Near-naked journalist provokes CAF clampdown

The poor behaviour of journalists on the ongoing Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) within the Ivory Coast has prompted the Confederation of African Soccer (CAF) to challenge a brand new set of pointers and tighten up media entry following session with the native police.

Away from the on-pitch drama at AFCON, the actions of journalists has been an sad subplot, with abuse, combating and near-nudity making headlines from the press field.

"There was someone dancing naked in the media tribune," a CAF media official stated to assembled journalists on the Stade Felix Houphouet-Boigny in Abidjan on Friday, whereas explaining the brand new pointers. "We cannot have that."

A press release issued by CAF on Friday, as seen by ESPN, revealed that the continent's soccer governing physique have taken steps to cut back what they deem as "unprofessional and unbecoming behaviour" after consulting with Ivorian authorities.

"CAF has noted the escalating unbecoming and unprofessional behaviour of some 'media practitioners' in working spaces at the Africa Cup of Nations," the assertion started. "CAF met with the Local Organising Committee and police to discuss the situation and find workable solutions.

"Whereas we perceive that we're all soccer followers and are obsessed with our nationwide groups, journalists are anticipated to watch skilled requirements."

CAF have said they will expel and remove the accreditation of any media practitioner involved in "wild celebrations and abuses different media colleagues," while also announcing a zero-tolerance approach to fighting among journalists.

"Any media practitioner who makes use of vulgar [language] in media areas both towards coaches, gamers or his/her friends may have the accreditation withdrawn," the statement added, with live streaming in the mixed zone, use of drones, and unauthorised media filming within the stadium also banned as part of the clampdown.

In light of Ghana's 2-2 draw with Mozambique, accredited journalists shouted abuse at gamers within the blended zone earlier than heckling head coach Chris Hughton, who had been accosted by a supporter within the workforce lodge earlier within the competitors.

The Ivory Coast gamers have been additionally barracked by reporters following their 4-0 defeat by Equatorial Guinea, whereas matches between Senegal and Guinea, and Morocco and South Africa also saw clashes between jostling press packs.

The final straw appears to be the behaviour of an accredited Ivorian reporter during his side's victory over Senegal, with footage circulating of the journalist's near-naked dance in the media tribune.

"Between pitched battles, assaults, invectives, it's a distressing spectacle that sure colleagues have been delivering to the world for the reason that begin of AFCON," the International Sports Press Association said in a statement.

"The media workspaces [press gallery, mixed zone, conference room] have been remodeled right into a boxing ring, and even merely remodeled right into a dancefloor or efficiency zone hosted by media badge holders."

Media entry to Nigeria's quarterfinal towards Angola in Abidjan on Friday was being regulated to a level not earlier than seen beforehand on the event. A most of 250 journalists have been being admitted to the media tribune, with photographers' entry additionally being restricted.

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