“The club will fall from the 7th to the 10th tier of English football” – outgoing chairman explains

“The club will fall from the 7th to the 10th tier of English football” – outgoing Coalville Town chairman Glyn Rennocks explains.

He confirmed to BBC Sport Leicester on Tuesday (28th May) that manager Ian King and his coaching staff with leave the club.

@adamjwhitty, Sport Editor for BBC Sport Leicester, said: “Glyn has been such a great servant to Coalville Town over the years, he’s taken it from a village team to one that gave Charlton Athletic a scare two seasons ago.

“A shame to see Coalville, our joint-second biggest team, fall down the leagues. Let’s hope they’ll be back.”

As a consequence of Coalville Town resigning from Southern League Premier Central, Hitchin Town has been reprieved at Step 3.

It seems no club will be reprieved at Step 4 and Division 1 Central will run with 21 clubs instead.

GR: It’s got a very bright future. We’ve just completed the new 3g pitch down there. It’s absolutely thriving. There is around 900 kids. I’ll say. But, you know, that’s all ages from babies, as I call them, right through to young adults, the ladies teams. So it’s all going really, really well and it will continue to do so.

Interviewer: So why has the decision been taken to resign your position in the league?

GR: Purely and simply the economics of it. I’m not getting any younger as a way. Well known fact, and you just look at the costs, they’re rising on a weekly, monthly basis, players demands are getting more and more and the income doesn’t get any better. So I’ve been thinking about it for a while. I mean, it was dependent in most respects on me, and I just got to the point where I thought, enough’s enough. There are a few other issues as well besides just that. That’s just one of quite a few. Obviously, there has been a few issues with our local council which also brought me to this decision in the end.

Interviewer: So obviously the question is, where is Coalville Town going to end up league wise?

GR: Well, as a team. Wayne McDermott, who adds up our junior youth section, he is working now with Steve Cartwright and all of the committee people from the youth junior section to form a senior men’s team. I’m not sure where they’re going to pitch it, but it’s most probably going to be step six ish, that kind of area. So there will still be a men’s team down there, but it’ll obviously be playing at a lower level than what we’ve been used to over the last few years.

Interviewer: And the obvious question is, will the team and the club be viable at that lower level?

GR: Oh, yes. I mean, it was viable as it is now that there is no issues with the finance, it was just me getting to the point where I’m thinking, you know, this is just not worth it.

Interviewer: What’s been the reaction of staff and of course, players?

GR: Magnificent, really. Players messaging, staff messaging. And the biggest of lot is the supporters. The amount of messages I’ve had from supporters, which in all fairness, was most probably one of my biggest concerns because we built up a good following over the years, loyal following, and I’d like to take this opportunity to really, really thank.

Interviewer: So is the management team going to stay in place? What about Ian King?

GR: No, no, no, the management team, you know, with all due respect, Ian wants to manage at a higher level and I don’t blame him. So, no, it’ll be a complete new playing team, staff team. So it will be a complete new team.

Interviewer: Just one other question is if somebody with a loss of money came over the hill on a white charger, I mean, would it save Coalville from actually having to resign their membership?

GR: My honest answer to that is I don’t know because I don’t know what the process with the league and the FA would be. Obviously, we’ve tendered our resignation and that’s been acknowledged, so I don’t know what kind of timeframe and time scale would be allowed. So my only stance on that is I haven’t the foggiest.

Interviewer: And what was the reaction of the league when you told them? They must have been disappointed?

GR: Yeah, very disappointed. Asked, I think if we could reconsider, which we said no, and then they acknowledge receipt of it and said they’d be in touch in due course because obviously there will be quite a fine, hefty fine, I’m guessing, for withdrawing from the league at this stage.

Interviewer: Well, Glen, you and I have known each other probably for a long, long time. A long, long time. Let’s go into that. And, I mean, I’ve seen Coalville come from effectively a very small team in Ravenstone. I mean, this must have been a heartbreaking decision for you.

GR: Absolutely heartbreaking. It wasn’t just a snap decision. It’s something I’ve been thinking of, on and off. And, you know, it was going to happen eventually that I was going to retire or do something, but when it came, it was really, really hard, very difficult, and I have to say, very emotional as well. It was a few sleepless nights and certainly a lot of tears have been shed as well, in many respects.

Interviewer: I mean, if the club is at step six, it’s going to have some fantastic facilities, isn’t it?

GR: Absolutely. It’ll have most probably the best at step six. So there’s always the bonus of that for them. And I should still be around to support if needed and when required. But believe me, the club is on a very, very sound financial footing. There is no issues whatsoever. And I repeat, it’s just got to the point where, you know, I just didn’t want to do it anymore.

Interviewer: I think you and I have got many happy memories of matches with, with Coalville, haven’t we?

GR: Many many. And that’s the good thing about it. The memories will live on forever. And we’ve had some fantastic times. You know that the first team from Leicestershire to play at the new Wembley, the first time we went into the FA Cup to get to the first round proper and play at Wycombe Wanderers and then in more recent times beating Notts County, beating Chesterfield, playing at Charlton. Okay, we lost. But all these memories, no one can ever take away that. And you know, again I thank everyone for the support that they’ve shown throughout it.

Interviewer: Glyn, I mean you’ve been around for a very long time. Coalville has been part of your life. The question is what are you going to do now?

GR: Well, good question. I’m going to carry on working. That’s the first thing, because it was like two businesses. So I’m hoping to take a bit of downtime to have a bit more time with the family. I’ve got two young granddaughters now and I want to be with them a bit more, spend a little bit more time with them and basically do what I want to do at the weekends, not what have had to do with the football.

“The club will fall from the 7th to the 10th tier of English football” – outgoing chairman explains

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